The Behr Cave Philosophy

Hey world,

I decided to make a blog post about the recent changes you may all be seeing from me and about the things that may be to come.   I don’t know if I have ever made an announcement or even put it out there for the world, but I am currently in seminary.   What is that? You may ask.   It means I am currently in the process of getting my Masters of Divinity so that I may eventually be ordained as a minister.  I often tell the story about how I came to this decision—when I was younger and first finishing my undergraduate work I knew that I wanted to go on to complete a Master’s degree and I had only two options that came to my mind—Theology or Theater.   I originally made the incorrect decision and went in to Business Administration.   That was not the path for me and it was made evident because things in life got in the way and made it so that completing that program at the time was impossible.   Time went by and I got involved in my local Universalist Unitarian community and I met the Reverend Matthew Crary and he showed me that it was possible for me to be a minister.   I have worked on the worship committee in my local church community and then one day I truly heard it….I heard that call to take things to the next level.

With all of that being said I want to put it out there that right now I am formally growing into MY MINISTRY whatever that may be and so there may be things from me that you see that at one point I may not have said or may not have taken a side on and now you see that coming from me.   You see this from me now because I can no longer sit silent.  I realize that a part of taking on this hat and accepting that I am supposed to be in ministry means that I have to speak even if not for me—then I may be speaking for those that are silent or feel that they have to be silent.

So with that being said I want you guys to see what The Behr Cave as a website name and philosophy means to me and what I am doing with it to impact my life.  Instead of having a new year’s resolution here is what I am working towards each day:

  • Be honorable in my day to day practices
  • Establish relationships with those like me and those not like me
  • Honor my past and who I was then, but acknowledge who I am now in the present
  • Respect the views and wisdom’s of those of multiple Faith traditions because each is valid and deserves the same respect.

Vision Statement for Cultural Competency

When I am culturally competent and operating at my highest and best, I am aware of how I understand my own motivations and those of others.   I search for openness even with people who seem really different from me.  I am unassuming and choose to learn more about myself and others.  I commit to being engaged with community.  I do this because I have a vision of being fully present in the here and now.

The Poet’s Manifesto

So true…

Business in Rhyme

To set the tone for a year ahead, as an experiment, I’ve decided to post a poem I wrote recently, inspired by some of the poems I’ve read here on WordPress. My poetry is heavy and melancholic, in the form of prose poems and this is quite different and out of my comfort zone 🙂 –  I hope it will motivate you and inspire you in your writing poetry.

The Poet’s Manifesto by Maja S. Todorovic

I am the poet.

You are the poet.

Poetry is everywhere:

in your squinting eyes due to  the bright Sun beams;

in the smell of your first morning coffee;

in the smile of your friend when he sees you;

in the angry voice of your boss, when he teases you;

in the playful butterfly resting on your fingertips;

in the warm, passionate breath on your lover’s lips;

in the barking of your neighbor’s dog;

in the…

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My birthday the angel number

So I have been seeing my birthday come up a lot lately and so i decided to look it up and see if there was a numerical significance and this is what i found….


Number 514 is a combination of the vibrations and influences of number 5, number 1 and number 4.  Number 5 resonates with the attributes of making life choices and important changes, adaptability and versatility, resourcefulness, motivation and idealism.  Number 5 also relates to doing things your own way.  Number 1 relates to new beginnings, striving forward and taking up new opportunities, activity and assertiveness, tenacity, achievement and success.  Number 1 tells you that you create your own reality with your intentions, thoughts and beliefs.  Number 4 resonates with working steadily towards goals and aspirations, truth and integrity, practicality, system and order, self-initiation, building solid foundations and enthusiasm coupled with determination.  Number 4 also resonates with the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 514 is a message that you have been working towards making important life changes that will bring stability, strong foundations and new opportunities to achieve success.  These changes have been manifested through your devotion to your passions and life purpose, and will bring many blessings and rewards.

Angel Number 514 suggests that you ask your angels for guidance if feeling any fears or concerns.  The angels want you to be confident and clear about the next steps to take and your future path.

Angel Number 514 is a message that the angels are helping you to stay positive and centered through current life changes.  Trust that all will turn out for your highest good.
The changes coming into your life may bring some upheaval as the old leaves and the new enters, but trust that the end results will be most positive for you.  The angels are smoothing the way and helping you through these changes and transitions.

Number 514 relates to number 1 (5+1+4=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.

Beauty and Death


“Beauty and Death before me…

There is nothing worth living, but life”

Cunning were the words she spoke

As she Rose to greet the Sun/Son

And as her cOnsort she kissed his lips.

Wars had been waged in her honor

Her bounty was the Earth

Men have knelt before her

Knowing that she is Queen.

Goddess, All Mother, Queen of the Fae

Call now all your children forward

Mundane no longer an option.

The Oracle now speaks:

“Reach deep down in your soul

For she shall soon Reap

Intense is the love of the Morrighan

Great is what she’ll teach”

Her warriors stand now beside her

Aware of her return

Speak Now of her

Magick and monarchy

“A new age she ushers in.

Enough is not a word she knows.

She teaches, Victory or death!

Each warrior she loses along the way

is another lesson that must be learned

Ne’er do wells should not seek her—

She will weed you out!”

Her Intrigue is what will call you

Mesmerized you will be

Answer you must do

Claim your sovereignty or eternal sleep

Her lesson becomes your life

Your life is one with the land

And all shall be at the end

The same as it began

Don’t cry if you are afraid

Or she will tell your tale

Red will be the blood you spill

Unsure of your fate?

Nothing will ever be the same

If you stand strong you are worthy

And nothing will ever be the same

New is the horizon before you

Under the moon you shall dance

Surrounded by her spirit

Undying shall be your faith

“Born to be a witch” you will proclaim

The Raven she sends before you

An Omen of her grace

She smiles as she embraces you

At long last you have taken your place.

She sings to you

And bathes you in mothers milk

She laughs the caw of the crow

She shows you the past and your present

“Work” she says is what you must do

“A warrior!” she says “You will be!”

Your mission “to find your sovereignty”

And Nothing will ever be the same

The people will call you “Your Majesty”

Your kingdom will never fail

Learn much you must

Before becoming crone or sage

And age will not determine your degree

But heed her lessons

“In perfect love and perfect trust”

Or death will be your final fee.